I think there is someone who is using mind telepathy saying "Raysoul, balikan mo blog mo..." But it just might be probably due to Ragnaboards and other websites related to gaming being blocked here in our office, including proxy websites. Great idea? Not at all. I can still watch Youtube and spam on Facebook.
Ok, I went back to my blog. First thing I noticed is my banner, which I think is too old and needs to be replaced. Second is the chatbox, which is full of spam and retarded posts, so I decided to delete it.
I almost abandoned this blog with no apparent reason. Last year, bloggers spawned like mushrooms posting nonsense topics using the now popular jejemon language on their useless blogs. Yes, this is a useless blog, full of shitty repost of random articles that comes into my mind. At least it wasn't in jeje langugae.
Wait, did I said random? I guess I have an idea for what will I post in my blog just to keep it active.
Does that make sense? No. But that would be so nonsense that it loops back to being a senseful topic.
Hard to understand. Sure it is. Mindfckn is sweet. :D